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Photographic Abstractions.  The images that follow were derived from traditional photographs I have taken of landscapes, street scenes, objects and even portraits that I then transformed and abstracted through digital manipulation.  This transformation from a concrete representation of a place or thing to an abstract image is my one of my goals of changing what is known into something new to perceive, into a series of never before seen images that have their own distinct existence.


Some of the images may seem purely esthetic and devoid of meaning.  Others are more expressive, where the original subject can be recognized, which may elicit a more emotional reaction from the observer.  These images will need you to look closely, to let yourself be absorbed by them, to use your imagination to interpret them into something meaningful to you.


These images were created with the intent of being printed in large format.


Please click on a thumbnail below to enlarge and navigate.



 Copyright © 2020  Richard Robesco



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